We provide ongoing assistance both to employers (contracting authorities) and to contractors.
The services provided for contracting authorities include assistance in the preparation of documentation, including Terms of Reference, regulations and procurement plans.
We offer interpretations of regulations and prepare opinions in respect of factual circumstances that arise as a result of tendering processes.
We assist in procurement valuation, in describing the subject matter of procurement, in selecting the tendering method, in drafting the terms and conditions of participation in the tender, bid selection criteria, procurement notice and all other required documents. We provide opinions about the submitted bids.
Contractors can count on our assistance in analysing the conditions of participation in the tender, bid evaluation criteria and Terms of Reference from the point of view of their suitability for the client.
Our services to contractors also include analysis of tender documentation in terms of potential risks (legal risk, business risk).
We also assist parties in their disputes before the National Appeals Chamber and before courts of law.